Friday, May 27, 2011

Un Despacho

Un Despacho: a Andean traditional offering to Pacha Mama (mother earth in Quechua ((language of the mountain people))). Basically, with a guide, we ceremoniously blessed certain objects with out intentions and then offered them to the mountains. It was cool, some of the objects (the spider man cookie?) we were slightly skeptical about the earth appreciating, but it was all with good intention.

The offering: Underneath all of the colorful stuff were seads, leaves, grains that I appreciated :)

With fire, offering our gifts and intentions:

The walk to and from: My camera literally could not take a bad picture... :)

Marni's (my friend) home and altar: very special

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is truly one of the coolest things I've ever seen!!!
