Friday, January 15, 2010

GO CARDINAL!!!! (dont really care about the cardinals)

Steve and i went to g-babes game...

he is so cute, i love it, the team kinda sucked and the cheerleaders have gotten worse but the new cardinals gym is looking really awesome.

I am SO MUCH smaller then greg and i took him to the doctor and they told me that he was not gonna finish growing for another 2 years

Alonso broke his collar bone....................!!?? so crazy


  1. I like your spastic writing style.

    It is cute like you.

    Went for sangria with the new roommate and her friend tonight. It was very outside my normal shet and I lurved it.

    BEST SEMESTER EVER only I miss you guys, sad.

  2. How did Alonso break his collar bone?!?!

    And yes, you are so much shorter than Greg. It's adorable, though.
