Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ossom Possom in the Studio


Chino on Drums:

Sergio on Bass:

Me on Keys.......

And vocals....

Alonso on Guitar...

Sound Engineer, Jorge and his wonderful assistants Carlos and JP:

What a Family!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pachamanca = Earth-pot (in Quechua)

In Perú, food is a tradition and a cultural passion.  You can not have a conversation with a Peruvian about Perú where food is not asked about, praised and described.  

I honestly can not blame them....the food has a life of its own, it is the pride of Perú.  
And, of course, it is delicious......

Pachamanca is a typical way of baking meats, vegetables and tubers (potatos...) by digging a hole in the ground, surrounding the food with hot stones and then covering it with dirt until cooked.

In Quechua, Pachamanca means 'earth pot':

Heating the stones: 

Louís helping his dad to prepare the meat:

Napo (master chef) is preparing the hole while having fun.

On top of the hot coals the dishes are arranged with the herbs.

Banana leaves are placed between the pots and the dirt to keep everything clean.

After food, leaves and stones have been arranged the earth seals in the heat creating an earth oven.

Let it rest.


Uncover the treasure!

Oh yes, please.

The pots are ready.

Dios mio

Give thanks and praises

And appreciate fathers on Father's Day.