Friday, April 29, 2011

Lima: Where I live and what the heck goes on here...

Some Examples of Architecture:

The Palacio de Justicia:
(where my dad would work if he lived in Lima)

MALI: Museo de Arte

Views in the Park:
The Buses:

Here is the low-down on bus riding: Hail a bus. As it is lurches close to the curb attempt (as I have dubbed it) the "leap and squeeze". You leap onto the bus and squeeze into any empty space u can find.

Know where u r going....if u don't, pretend you do and try not to be to much of a "gringa" (USA born girl)

The beauty of it: only cost $.30 a ride. My kind of transportation.

El Traffico:
All I have to say is it is a jungle out there.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cure to my Home-sickness :)

*sigh*, somethings never change


Alonso and I have been having a great time with the colored pencils....We are trying to decorate with a $0 budget. :) good times

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Music as Light

When one starts using to their advantage that which they cannot control...


My Thoughts on the Matter:


A Symphony:

Tubby Love and Friends at the Jazz Zone, LIMA PE

A use of different photo "techniques" (hopeful experimentation?) to capture the moment


TUBBY LOVE and friends:


Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Day for the History Books

Just had to add this post :)

The House where Bette and Alonso Live

Nuestro Dormitorio:

El Cuarto de Música

La Sala:
La Cocina: