Sunday, June 27, 2010

Last show

We had our last show at the Jazz and Rock Schule...
full of frineds, love and good music

i got to play the guitar and sing and play piano
then we got pretty roudy....seriously this has been so good

Time spent at the Lake

One of our last days here John and I walked to a near by lake and went for a swim...we also brought the guitars!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gigs, Birthdays and Good Times

This is a collection of pictures from the last week

we have a band picture, which we are using as a poster for our final gig
we have an Alonso kiss
We have some goofy boy pictures

and a whole lot of love
Happy birthday Colin!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


it is insane here! there is more enthusiasm for this tournament then i have seen for any sporting event in my entire life...even the little kids are running around with flags as capes, blowing horns and going crazy....

i love it
i am cheering for the US as well, but i am in Germany, also the players are incredibly is good....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sal and Bette Time

This is a culmination of the rest of Sal's trip
We finally got her out of the US and i think it was an amazing time
Atleast i love it....How did i get the coolest/best mom in the WORLD?

Nice, France

Now, in Nice there is only one way to get around...and that is in style. Sal and i just wore everything we could that was fancy-shmancy and had a blast

makes me miss walking around newbury street with my girls looking like the queens we are! love u guys ;)

French Riviera

We went from big city, to French Riviera
beautiful beyond words
experienced so much together here!